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Over on the Goldcrest Films website, they’ve just put up a teaser poster and info regarding a remake of The…

Rue Morgue Magazine just posted an interview with Rob Zombie, in which the rocker-turned-filmmaker talks about the various projects he’s…

My sincere apologies if this makes you feel old, but it’s now been 13 years since Rob Zombie’s directorial debut…

Playboy just announced that nude photo spreads will soon be excised from the pages of the magazine, beginning next year.…

Welcome to the third chapter of our October Madness feature! Here are five more titles I highly recommend visiting on…

Another remake of 1958’s The Blob is currently in the works, and we can only hope it’s half as good…

Years after Rob Zombie left the project, Simon West (Con Air) boarded the second remake of 1958’s The Blob back…

The Blob, released in 1958 and remade in 1988, has again been on the remake chopping block for many years…