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Manchester, England’s “Grimm Up North” has set its goals high. As the first horror festival of its kind in the…

Reviewed by Gareth Jones Starring Shauna Macdonald, Natalie Jackson Mendoza, Krysten Cummings, Gavan O’Herlihy Directed by Jon Harris Hearing that…

The sequel to Neil Marshal’s claustrophobic classic, The Descent Part II, played last week at the Film 4 FrightFest in…

Neil Marshall dropped a great film on us with his spelunking gone completely awry horror opus The Descent, and now…

The Jon Harris directed sequel to Neil Marshall’s The Descent premieres this month at the Film 4 FrightFest in London…

Two new stills have surfaced today for The Descent Part II, which is getting set to make its premiere at…

A low-res, tiny sliver of poster art popped up today for The Descent Part 2, and it’s further proof that…

In the third of our series of exclusive interviews direct from the set of The Descent 2, this week we’re…

Two crawlers lounge idly on a sofa wrapped in matching dressing gowns. One glances at a newspaper while the other…