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August 16, 2017
Horror fans often times groan at the prospect of another remake. It’s certainly become a trend to take a movie…
June 16, 2017
Dear Horror, I love you. I really do. Hell, I’ve been a fan of you ever since I can remember,…
January 5, 2017
We don’t get good remakes very often. It seems that Hollywood and the studios that put these flicks together are…
October 31, 2016
Starring Martin Speer, Dee Wallace, Michael Berryman, Robert Houston Directed by Wes Craven Distributed by Arrow Video Wes Craven’s early…
October 11, 2016
Welcome back, fellow fiends. I’ve found that there is always at least one week right before Halloween that has a…
September 30, 2016
On tap right now we have an exclusive clip from Arrow Video’s upcoming release of the Wes Craven classic, The…
September 25, 2016
To celebrate the release of The Hills Have Eyes — on limited edition Blu-ray and DVD 3rd October — we…
August 4, 2016
Arrow Video takes aim and brings a trio of madness and ooze to your home video shelf! Read on for…
July 22, 2016
Ever watch a flick and think, “That was awesome – I need to find more movies like this!”? Sure you…
June 11, 2016
With so many companies pumping out more and more classic and cult horror titles on Blu-ray of late, horror fans…
June 6, 2016
It is that time of the year when many of us decide to take a road trip. The distance or…
August 31, 2015
What could you possibly say about Wes Craven that hasn’t already been said? We lost not only a true icon…