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September 9, 2009
Reviewed by Gareth Jones Starring William Sadler, Sophie Monk, Tad Hilgenbrink, Janet Montgomery Directed by Dave Parker It’s been a…
Uncategorized September 4, 2009
In celebration and anticipation of its September 29th release date, Dave Parker’s modern slasher flick The Hills Run Red has…
Uncategorized September 2, 2009
We’re closing in on September 29, the date when Dave Parker’s modern slasher flick The Hills Run Red bows on…
Uncategorized July 6, 2009
Here at Dread Central we’re really excited for you guys to check out Dave Parker’s new slasher film,
Uncategorized June 29, 2009
Finally Dave Parker’s slasher-fest
Uncategorized June 26, 2009
A note from Dread Central reader Joey M sent us over to Ludovico Technique’s website, where we found the DVD…
Uncategorized June 9, 2009
The Hills Run Red is set to strike this coming weekend as the film finally reaches its long awaited release…
Uncategorized May 8, 2009
It’s amazing how one thing can quickly morph into another. While prepping a story about the Midnight Adrenaline entries of…
Uncategorized May 7, 2009
In case you’re wondering why the news updates were so scarce here yesterday it was because we were in LA…
Uncategorized April 20, 2009
While an official event report is coming soon along with a photo gallery depicting the lunacy, we thought we’d bring…
Uncategorized January 15, 2009
Not a helluva lot of interesting “news” in here, but I thought it would warm the cockles of your collective…
Uncategorized August 22, 2008
If you’re like most horror fans, I’m sure the first thing you said when you finished watching