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As the world prepares itself for the final installment of Tom Six’s trilogy, The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence, Six…

From pillows to pot holders, magnets to art prints, no company has churned out more cool products for us fans…

The final piece of Tom Six’s disturbing Human Centipede trilogy recently hit VOD outlets, and now it’s headed home on…

Here’s the thing… the following posters for The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence (review) are so good that they literally…

While I do appreciate Tom Six’s audacity (one astute pundit likens him to a modern-day Andy Kaufman) and his innovation…

The full and completely friggin’ insane trailer for The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence has arrived, and it’s a must…

Our friends over at Bloody-Disgusting scored an image gallery for the final film of Tom Six’s insane trilogy, The Human…

Up next from Tom Six is The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence, the epic closing chapter to one of the…

With The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence) slated for a 2015 release, it’s time to start prepping for the insanity…