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Post Thumb: /feb12/raids.jpg Every time we think about The Raid: Redemption, all we want to do is re-watch it immediately.…

Post Thumb: /feb12/raids.jpg The so-hotly-anticipated-it’s-almost-on-fire action extravaganza The Raid hits UK cinemas this Friday, May 18, and to celebrate, we…

Post Thumb: /feb12/raids.jpg Around these parts we have a lot of love and affection for the spectacle that was The…

Post Thumb: /feb12/raids.jpg What can we say? We’re fascinated by the bloody goodness of The Raid, so much so that…

Source Name: Box Office Mojo Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/boxoffice.jpg The woods are alive with the sound of teenagers…

Post Thumb: /feb12/raids.jpg If you haven’t seen The Raid yet, do yourself a favor … find it. Even if you…

Post Thumb: /feb12/raids.jpg While it isn’t a horror movie in the truest sense, it can’t be denied that director Gareth…

Post Thumb: /feb12/raids.jpg I was just sitting around talking about the flick The Raid with my cohorts, and we’re all…

Cover art: reviews2/raidredemptions.jpg Starring Iko Uwais, Joe Taslim, Doni Alamsyah, Yayan Ruhian, Pierre Gruno, Ray Sahetapy Written by Gareth Huw…

Post Thumb: /jan12/sxsw.jpg Hands down, one of the best and bloodiest flicks of this year (or any year, really) is…

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /feb12/raids.jpg Even though the original film hasn’t opened here Stateside…