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Post Thumb: /aug13/the-sacrament-s.jpg Playing as part of the Toronto International Film Festival’s Vanguard programme is the new film from Ti…

Post Thumb: /aug13/the-sacrament-s.jpg Playing as part of The Toronto International Film Festival’s Vanguard programme is the new film from Ti…

Source Name: Toronto International Film Festival Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul13/tiff.jpg Hot on the heels of TIFF 2013’s

Source Name: The Guardian Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/news.jpg During an interview he recently did with the UK’s The…

Post Thumb: /stock/news.jpg This first still has been released from the Savannah, Georgia, set of Ti West’s currently shooting horror…

Post Thumb: /stock/news.jpg Good news for those of you out there excited for the latest film coming from director Ti…