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Post Thumb: /mar14/the-signal-poster-s.jpg Some new viral goodies have come our way for The Signal, a sci-fi thriller about three college…

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /mar14/the-signal-ss.jpg Not to be confused with the film of the…

Source Name: Sundance Film Festival Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec13/sundance14.jpg You may have noticed Uncle Creepy posting lots of…

Post Thumb: /stock/ihm.jpg In just eight years actor AJ Bowen has become one of the more recognizable faces of independent…

Reviewed by Buz “Danger” Wallick Starring AJ Bowen, Anessa Ramsey, Justin Welborn, Scott Polythress Directed by David Bruckner, Dan Bush,…

Get your brain ready for some horrific DVD releases come Tuesday, June 10th, 2008… Black Wine (2005) Directed by Ryan…

Do you have the crazy? No? Believe you me, you WANT the crazy! The Signal still remains on many fans’…

Man, a lot of changes have come down as to when you’re going to see the most anticipated horror films…