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Source Name: Star News Online Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr11/p3dd.jpg Director John Gulager is getting good at many things.…

Source Name: Apollo 18 Missions on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr11/a18s.jpg Are you maybe a little too young…

Source Name: Variety Source Url:|News|LatestNews Post Thumb: /may11/crow.jpg Things are really heating up between Relativity Media and the Weinsteins…

Post Thumb: /may11/hoff.jpg Man, just when you think the cast of John Gulager’s upcoming underwater extravaganza Piranha 3DD couldn’t get…

Post Thumb: /apr11/p3dd.jpg The news has just come down that three surviving members of Piranha 3D will be returning for…

Post Thumb: /apr11/p3dd.jpg And another pretty face has been added to the cast list for John Gulager’s highly anticipated Piranha…

Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr11/crow.jpg What is it about The Crow movies that keeps them mired…

Post Thumb: /apr11/pinhead.jpg Riding the success of the recent Scream 4 iPad and iPhone games, The Weinstein Company is ready…

Post Thumb: /apr11/screamavatars.jpg We told you yesterday about the new Scream game landing on iPhones and iPads everywhere via iTunes.…

And the blood has starting forming in the news waters for the upcoming John Gulager directed sequel Piranha 3DD. Some…

Time to add a little Russian flavor to your daily dosage of Apollo 18 goodies as the international one-sheet is…