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Post Thumb: /sep13/killers-poster-s.jpg Looking for your foreign horror fix of the day? Look no further. Ready and waiting for you…

Post Thumb: /apr13/vhs2-posters.jpg Time for another V/H/S/2 segment one-sheet to kick off the weekend! This one comes from Eduardo Sanchez…

Post Thumb: /feb13/killers-posters.jpg Several more images from Killers, the next film from movie-making duo The Mo Brothers (Macabre) have arrived,…

Post Thumb: /apr13/vhs2-posters.jpg One of the highlights of V/H/S/2 for this writer had to be Jason Eisener’s “Alien Abduction Slumber…

Post Thumb: /apr13/vhs2-posters.jpg A new one-sheet has premiered for Jason Eisener’s “Slumber Party Alien Abduction” segment of

Post Thumb: /apr13/vhs2-posters.jpg A new one-sheet has premiered for Adam Wingard’s “Clinical Trials” segment of

Post Thumb: /apr13/vhs2-posters.jpg V/H/S/2 arrived last night on VOD and will hit select theaters on July 12th courtesy of Magnet…