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In case the last three or four videos from Catherine Hardwicke’s Twilight haven’t driven you away, another trailer has surfaced…

All right, vampy fans, it’s time for some new visual stimulus from the world of Catherine Hardwicke’s Twilight! I know…

Last year Blood & Chocolate taught us that no matter how good your source material is, any filmmaker can turn…

Ah, yes! Cute kids! Bare branches! Wire work! You can just smell the happiness in the air when it comes…

A new Indie production company known as the Fort just picked up a title with a familiar name. While having…

Man, I’m glad this came up during my shift cause I’ve been dying to talk about this movie for weeks.…

On December 12th, Twilight may split vampire fans down the middle. I’ve heard conflicting opinions about the book the film…

As we mentioned earlier today, G4 has another exclusive for the horror genre. This time it is a follow-up to…

The vampire love story that is Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight looks to fill the giant gap we’ve had in vampire tales…

Man, I remember first reporting on Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight coming to the big screen; good lord, that seems like a…