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July 5, 2008
Reviwed by Scott A. Johnson Starring Yukari Fujimoto, Yumiko Fujiwara, Svyatoslav Illiyasov Directed by Andrey Iskanov In a broad, general…
Uncategorized July 3, 2008
Oh happy day! The next re-animated feature from
Uncategorized April 23, 2008
For someone whose earlier films are full of what some call “dream logic” and hallucinatory images, it seems strange that…
April 11, 2008
Reviewed by Johnny Butane Starring Heiko Fipper, Mike Hoffman, Stefan Hoft Directed by Heiko Fipper Released by Unearthed Films “Your…
Uncategorized March 31, 2008
If you haven’t yet checked out Frank Sudol’s
December 15, 2006
Reviwed by Johnny Butane Starring Carsten Frank, Victor Brandl Directed by Marian Dora Released by Unearthed Films There’s a problem…
November 27, 2006
Back in 2003, a man with a lifelong obsession with cannibalism placed an ad on the Internet to find a…
August 23, 2006
Reviewed by D.W. Bostaph Starring Darya Zabinski, Ruby Larocca, Rich George, Brian Paulin, and Kevin Barbare Directed by Brian Paulin…
August 20, 2006
Reviewed by D.W. Bostaph Starring Alexander Shevchenko, Svyatoslav Iliyasov, Alexandra Batrumova Directed by Andrey Iskanov Distributed by Unearthed Films Each…
August 24, 2005
Reviwed by D.W. Bostaph Starring Pep Tosar, Trae Houlihan Directed by Nacho Cerda Released by Unearthed Films “I feel that…
June 6, 2005
Art house, surreal, underground, experimental. All these words have a place in the post-viewing vernacular of anyone who watches these…
May 16, 2005
Reviewed by D.W. Bostaph Directed by T.F. Mou S History will always be remembered best by those it affected first-hand.…