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Uncategorized April 5, 2008
Did I write this story just so I could use that cheeky headline? Better believe it. But I also figured…
September 10, 2007
Starring Natassia Malthe, Zack Ward, Michael Pare, Chris Coppola, Chris Spencer Directed by Uwe Boll Released by Toucan Cove For…
July 23, 2007
Starring Zach Ward, Dave Foley, Chris Coppola, Michael Benyaer, Verne Troyer Directed by Uwe Boll The screening I saw of…
Uncategorized July 21, 2007
Check out the photo to the right. That’s a still from “Plasma Baron”, Paul McCann(ibal)’s second short to play at…
July 12, 2007
Reviewed by Nomad Starring Zack Ward, Dave Foley, Chris Coppola, Michael Benyaer, Jackie Tohn, Erick Avari Written and Directed by…
Uncategorized June 7, 2007
Say what you will about Uwe Boll, there are worse filmmakers working today with much worse attitudes towards filmgoers, and…
November 6, 2006
If a fanboy screams and he’s online, does he make a sound? I guess we’re about to find out because…
October 2, 2006
Take as much salt with this rumor as you feel is healthy, but I think the sheer audacity of assuming…
February 8, 2006
When it was officially announced that a sequel was being made to Uwe Boll’s monumental disasterpiece, the general consensus seemed…