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May 23, 2016
Being that San Diego is our home base, it only makes sense that we have your hot ticket to see…
May 20, 2016
A new video popped up online today in promotion of the upcoming The Conjuring 2, which lets you enter the…
May 17, 2016
Wow!  Just… wow!  Not much else can be said about last night’s season finale of “Bates Motel” so let’s look…
May 13, 2016
Catching the very tail end of Friday the 13th, Warner Bros. has released a new featurette for the upcoming The…
May 12, 2016
When we brought you a preview of the “Bates Motel” season finale earlier this week, we didn’t know much about…
May 9, 2016
Excited for #TheConjuring2? Don’t miss your chance to relive the scares from the first Conjuring movie on the creepiest night…
May 5, 2016
There are only two episodes of “Bates Motel” left this season, and from what we’ve heard, the upcoming Episode 4.09,…
April 28, 2016
Just three episodes are left in this season of “Bates Motel” so when we got word of a recent conference…
March 26, 2016
WonderCon is becoming a destination for horror fans. After Blumhouse Productions used the event to give us looks into Sinister…
March 26, 2016
Yeah, we know the notice is on the short side of the fence, but if you’re a fan of The…
March 18, 2016
We have a feeling the wedding bells that Norma Bates and Sheriff Romero will be hearing this coming Monday night…
March 11, 2016
We’re on pins and needles to see where “Bates Motel” takes us after this week’s incredible season premiere, and if…