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Post Thumb: /jan14/krueger-art-s.jpg Filmmaker Chris R. Notarile wanted to do a fan film series based on the adventures of Freddy…

Post Thumb: /may12/revelationsthumb.jpg After waiting months for Episode 4 of Robert Michael Ryan’s post-apocalyptic web series Revelations, the floodgates have…

Post Thumb: /aug13/hailtothekings.jpg Writer, director, producer Jon Schnepp is best known for his work creating the beloved show “Metalocalypse,” but…

Post Thumb: /dec13/fear-force-five-s.jpg The first three episodes of the giant monster web series “Fear Force Five” are alive and kicking…

Post Thumb: /may12/revelationsthumb.jpg It’s been quite a long wait for Episode 4 of Robert Michael Ryan’s post-apocalyptic web series Revelations…

Post Thumb: /dec13/935-poster-s.jpg When we put two good things together, like chocolate and peanut butter, we sometimes come up with…

Post Thumb: /aug13/hailtothekings.jpg Back in August we told you about Hail to the King, a new web series from Avenged…

Source Name: Fangoria Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec13/fear-force-five-s.jpg Thanks to Pacific Rim and the upcoming Godzilla, it’s no surprise…

Post Thumb: /sep11/bwp.jpg Okay, Blair Witch fans! Here’s something to be REALLY thankful for! An exclusive web series from the…

Post Thumb: /sep11/bwp.jpg In 1995, declared inactive and unsolved, authorities called off all attempts to find three missing students in…

Post Thumb: /nov13/playingwithfears.jpg I still get chills when thinking about my first run-in with the Raccoon City infected in Resident…