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Lately, it seems as though comedy actors are cutting their teeth as horror directors and absolutely killing it! This year’s…

For the last year, Producer Shane has been bugging the shit out of us to give him a “Producer Shane…

Happy Halloween, dummies! Ok, maybe it’s not actually Halloween, but it’s six months away so it’s technically Half Halloween. To…

Last week Netflix shocked the world by not only releasing a new trailer for Cloverfield Paradox during the Superbowl, but announcing…

We didn’t exactly love the fact that King Sam chose Slaughtered Vomit Dolls for episode 150, but we’re professionals, and the…

We’ve all heard the old saying, “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Well,…

Happy 2018, everyone! January is a time for new beginnings, striving to be the best you possible, and greeting each…

2017 is finally behind us and 2018 is already taking it’s toll. What kind of podcast would we be if…

Ho ho ho, haomies! Christmas is finally upon us, and what do you know; we’re doing another Christmas horror film!…