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Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg Rounding up our extensive coverage of Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie, we’re ready to put the cherry upon the…

Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg In the last of our Frankenweenie roundtable interviews, Dread Central was on hand to catch up with…

Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg Longtime Tim Burton collaborator- writer John August- has enjoyed a rather remarkable career in a considerably short…

Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg This Friday, October 5th, Disney releases Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie in glorious 3D stop-motion animation, and we caught…

Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets1x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets2x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets3x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets4x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets5x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets6x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets7x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets8x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets9x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets10x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets11x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets12x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets13x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets14x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/fwonesheets15x’…

Post Thumb: /sep11/beetlejuices.jpg Dread Central was on hand for the Frankenweenie junket held at Disneyland, where we had a chance…

Source Name: Flixist Source Url: Post Thumb: /sep11/beetlejuices.jpg We’ve all been hearing about a new Beetlejuice movie for a…