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Uncategorized November 1, 2008
A bunch of new behind-the-scenes stills from the upcoming French zombie movie
Uncategorized October 13, 2008
The really badasss storyboard for Yannick Dahan’s upcoming zombie film The Horde showed up on the film’s MySpace page recently…
Uncategorized October 9, 2008
Earlier today the folks over at Filmsactu got their hands on some preliminary production art for
Uncategorized October 2, 2008
We need more zombies! Not the low budget kind, but those of the French persuasion! CinEuropa granted that wish with…
Uncategorized July 8, 2008
Zombies. You love ‘em, I love ‘em, and yes, even Frontier(s) director Xavier Gens loves ‘em, which is why he’s…
May 6, 2008
Reviewed by Johnny Butane Starring Karina Testa, Aurelien Wilk, Patrick Ligardes, David Saracino, Samuel le Bihan Directed by
Uncategorized April 16, 2008
We’ve been telling you about it for months, and the official news has finally rolled in. Xavier Gens’ Frontier(s) (official…
Uncategorized April 14, 2008
In the words of producer Michael Abbate, Terror Project 6 is a “French horror sitcom with zombies”. If that’s not…
Uncategorized April 10, 2008
The film that really should have been a part of last year’s After Dark’s 8 Films to Die For, Frontier(s),…
Uncategorized April 2, 2008
It’s been a while since we heard much from the After Dark camp regarding Frontier(s), the film that was originally…
Uncategorized February 8, 2008
After Dark Films has finally figured out its plans for Xavier (Hitman) Gens’ Frontier(s) it was announced today. Though the…
Uncategorized January 3, 2008
It’s not a huge chunk of news, but could be pretty exciting for Hitman helmer Xavier Gens (interview) when it…