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A new trailer for the Gears of Wars: Ultimate Edition has been released, which features the song “Mad World” by…

In the eternal grudge match between Sony and Microsoft to have the biggest game library, Microsoft is expanding by going…

Available on Xbox One Rated M for Mature Developed by Insomniac Games I was dead set on hating Sunset Overdrive.…

Back in August we told you that the granddaddy of ’em all, the original Resident Evil, was getting remastered again…

The head-bashing zombie opus How to Survive has hit the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4, and since it’s Halloween,…

One of my personal favorite last gen games was the zombie opus How to Survive. In fact, unless you have…

For my money Outlast is the single best pure horror experience to ever be fashioned in video game form. The…

Post Thumb: /jun14/grave-s.jpg For around a year the people behind the Xbox One managed to make just about every bad…

Post Thumb: /jun14/halo-collection-s.jpg As the hatch opens and the vastness of the dead calm of space is revealed, the serenity…

Post Thumb: /apr14/the-evil-within-s.jpg We here at Dread Central love a good controversy. Especially when it comes to pinheads who point…