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August 10, 2016
Sun Choke (review) is a dark and disturbing film about a recovering mental patient (Sarah Hagan) who is forced to…
July 28, 2016
Courtesy of a press release, we’ve just learned today that XLrator Media has acquired North American distribution rights to the…
July 18, 2016
With XLrator Media set to release Sun Choke (review) on VOD/iTunes on August 2nd with a limited theatrical run beginning…
May 31, 2016
More chills are coming thanks to a team-up of XLrator Media and IndustryWorks Studios, and we have all your details…
May 3, 2016
With XLrator Media set to release Sun Choke (review) on VOD/iTunes on August 2nd with a limited theatrical run beginning…
May 3, 2016
In The Curse of Sleeping Beauty, a man inherits an ancestral mansion that has been in his family for generations…
April 28, 2016
XLrator Media will be releasing Pearry Teo’s The Curse of Sleeping Beauty next month, and right now we have an…
March 30, 2016
At the end of last year we learned that XLrator Media would be releasing Pearry Teo’s The Curse of Sleeping…
November 4, 2015
We may never know what really happened that 1997 evening when millions of Phoenix, Arizona, residents all reported a UFO…
November 4, 2015
The classic Brothers Grimm tale gets a dark twist in Pearry Teo’s The Curse of Sleeping Beauty, and we’ve just…
May 5, 2015
XLrator Media continues to fill out its robust genre lineup as the company has acquired the rights to The Phoenix…
March 11, 2015
Remember that bat-shit-crazy sounding flick Tokyo Tribe we told you about a while back? Well, strap in, kids, because we…