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Post Thumb: /may13/saturdaymorningmystery.jpg We haven’t heard much about Spencer Parsons’ Saturday Morning Massacre lately, but we’ve learned it has a…

Post Thumb: /may13/under-the-bed-poster-s.jpg Hot on the heels of yesterday’s one-sheet debut, the official trailer for the new terror tale from…

Source Name: Ain’t it Cool Source Url: Post Thumb: /may13/under-the-bed-poster-s.jpg That’s right, kids! Here’s your opportunity to spend a…

Post Thumb: /apr13/deadmines.jpg Here’s the thing… when something is long buried and it takes everything that you’ve got and then…

Post Thumb: /nov12/amarys.jpg We let you know a while back that XLrator Media was going to be giving American Mary…

Cover art: reviews/thale-s.jpg Starring Silje ReinÃ¥mo, Erlend Nervold, and Jon Sigve Skard Directed by Aleksander Nordaas Thrillers based around mythological…

Post Thumb: /nov11/warhouses.jpg We’ve been talking about Warhouse, starring Joseph Morgan from “The Vampire Diaries,” for about a year and…

Post Thumb: /apr13/deadmines.jpg We haven’t talked much about Dead Mine, a co-production of HBO Asia and Singapore-based Infinite Studios, but…

Post Thumb: /apr13/The-banshee-chapter.jpg Zachary Quinto’s producing gig for his Before the Door Pictures production company, the elevated horror film The…

Post Thumb: /may12/thales.jpg Writer/director Aleksander Nordaas’ modern dark fairy tale Thale is playing now in limited theaters courtesy of XLRator…

Post Thumb: /mar13/holy-ghost-peoples.jpg Good news has come in for those of you excited to check out the latest flick from…