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Post Thumb: /jan14/the-purge-2-s.jpg You excited for the sequel to The Purge? Well then, we can now exclusively confirm for you…

Source Name: Variety Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr13/the-purge-posters.jpg Variety is reporting that the sequel to The Purge will indeed…

Post Thumb: /oct13/devils-due-art-s.jpg Devil’s Due is playing right now at a theatre near you, and the time has come to…

Cover art: reviews/devils-due-poster-s.jpg Starring Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Sam Anderson, Roger Payono, Vanessa Ray Directed by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler…

Post Thumb: /oct13/devils-due-art-s.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue1x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue2x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue3x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue4x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue5x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue6x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue7x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue8x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue9x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue10x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue11x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue12x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue13x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue14x’, ‘/gallery/devilsdue/devilsdue15x’,…

Post Thumb: /oct13/devils-due-art-s.jpg Devil’s Due opens at midnight in select theatres countrywide tonight, and since there were no press screenings,…

Post Thumb: /apr13/the-purge-posters.jpg So the the sequel to The Purge is in production now and you’re giddy with excitement. Here’s…

Post Thumb: /oct13/devils-due-art-s.jpg This weekend’s horror offering of Devil’s Due is looking pretty damned creepy and if you haven’t realized…

Post Thumb: /oct13/devils-due-art-s.jpg Even if this weekend’s Devil’s Due sucks, I’ll consider it a win. Why? Because it birthed this…

Source Name: Chicago Tribune Source Url:,0,3610824.column Post Thumb: /apr13/the-purge-posters.jpg At the tail end of last week, Purge 2 star…