Marcos Codas’ Top 10 Horror Films of 2020

It’s pretty incredible that we’re now at the end of the year. This decade ends/begins with one of the strangest years I’ve ever had to go through, and I served in the Army! It was so odd, in fact, that we didn’t even get too many horror films. Or did we? Actually, there was some really solid stuff released in the past few months. So, join me as we revisit Marcos Codas’ Top 10 Horror Films of 2020. Yes, that’d be me.
Blood Quantum – First Nations Vs. Zombies
If you know anything about me, you’ll know I love a sizeable dollop of social commentary on top of my horror films. And when it comes to social commentary, a film about the First Nations of Canada (the indigenous population) fighting the zombie apocalypse takes the cake.

I also reviewed this on my podcast, Tiny Film Reviews, which focuses on reviewing films in 5 minutes or less. The film made me rethink my relationship to my family, and what I’d be willing to do to ensure their survival.
Darkness in Tenement 45 – Marcos Codas’ Top 10 Horror Films of 2020 #1 Spot?
Arguably my favorite film of the year. You can read my full review as part of my coverage of the awesome Horrible Imaginings Film Festival 2020.

Sadly, their promo material quotes my review but doesn’t mention my name. But believe me, it was me who hyped it up, and I continue to do so. It’s a great film about living in a lockdown scenario. But it’s set against an alternative-reality 1950s New York, under siege by the Soviets. Inspired by Fallout and Bioshock. What else do you need? This jumps right to the top of Marcos Codas’ Top 10 Horror Films of 2020.
Luz: The Flower of Evil – Religion is a Fickle Mistress
Another of my HIFF2020 films, my review of which you can read here. I was already a fan of Colombian cinema after watching María Llena Eres de Gracia. But this horror film mixes Jodorowsky’s philosophy with Ari Aster’s colors to bring South American horror to another level.

The fact that it deals with cult mentality and isolation in the mountains is the trippy cherry on top of a very trippy cake.
Repossession – Asian Horror, Evolved

A lot more nuanced than the punch-in-the-face that is Luz, this one also comes courtesy of HIFF2020. Odd that you can call a horror film about demonic possession and ghosts “nuanced”, but Repossession is as much about the pressures of Asian society, as it is about demons. Great, great stuff. Acting’s amazing, too.
Host – My Kind of Cocktail

I mean, a “found footage” horror film that takes place over a Zoom call during the pandemic? You couldn’t get me to watch a film faster if you were to pay me.
The Invisible Man – Moss Strikes Again
The last film that most of us saw in theaters. Quite fitting, don’t you think? A film about a threat you know is real but your friends and family are too dumb to realize it? Ah, what a fitting way to enter 2020.

And to be honest, Elisabeth Moss’ performance is amazing. As usual.
The Beach House – Love and Aliens

A divisive film, but one that I like quite a lot. The dynamics of a stale relationship, pressures of adulthood… and an alien invasion. I liked The Beach House, and I think most people should give it a shot. A deserving recipeint of a spot in Marcos Codas’ Top 10 Horror Films of 2020.
The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw – Witches? Yes, Please

I know I’m risking nepotism, but this modern tale of witchcraft won me over with incredible acting & a gripping story full of twists and turns. Audrey Earnshaw‘s family dynamics are just as bewitching. A must for fans of witchy films.
Uncle Peckerhead – Kill the Promoter!

Another DREAD film, I know. But the truth is, I had to put it in here. I don’t usually like horror comedies, but the ‘Peck is actually quite heartwarming. It’s a mixture of Scott Pilgrim and the Cornetto trilogy. Awesome stuff.
Anything for Jackson – Family Ties (You To The Bed)

This Shudder exclusive is the dark light at the end of the horrible tunnel that is 2020. Both my wife and I loved this twisted tale of grandparents reverse-exorcising their dead grandchild into a pregnant woman’s womb. Human loss and creepy ghosts = success.
Do you agree? I don’t really care, this is my list. But if I missed something cool this year (I haven’t had much time, admittedly) hit me up on Twitter. I’m looking for stuff to watch over Christmas.