Ultra-Indie Daily Dose: Humorpractor

Hello, you glorious gluttons for all things indie horror! Are you just starving for the newest of the new, the most unknownest of the unknown? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to the Ultra-Indie Daily Dose! In this series, we’re going to pick a new game every day from an indie horror creator you’ve probably never heard of. No million-dollar budgets or factory productions. This is the space for the little guy with not but a developer toolkit and a dream. So if you’re down to roll the dice on something different, then stick around and check it out!
Welcome back for your Daily Dose of indie horror! Courtesy of developer Heinn, also known for the Metroid-like Subterra, is their latest game Humorpractor. Created for Ludum Dare 49, this game has you performing a tremendously grisly procedure on a patient who is in dire need.

Humorpractor places you in the role of just that; a medieval-y doctor whose specialty is in the rebalancing of one’s bodily humors. But this is no ordinary medical emergency as you or I would know it. As the game’s description states:
A patient came in. It’s an urgent case, as the hallucinations of psychics become frighteningly real the more ill they fall…
Medical science was a lot more fun when it was all about dealing with four types of bodily goop. Anyways, in Humorpractor, you must determine which parts of this poor soul’s body are in need of which goop, carried in four different syringes. They’re labeled with different facial expressions, with a fifth syringe-type thing that will show what you need and where. Hopefully, his hallucinations do not end up affecting your procedure…

This is certainly a challenging game, but Humorpractor creates an incredible atmosphere, and Heinn is extremely skilled at making unsettling character models. You can play the game for free on itch.io by clicking here.
Categorized:Ultra-Indie Spotlight