Ultra-Indie Daily Dose: Dear Substance of Kin

Hello, you glorious gluttons for all things indie horror! Are you just starving for the newest of the new, the most unknownest of the unknown? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to the Ultra-Indie Daily Dose! In this series, we’re going to pick a new game every day from an indie horror creator you’ve probably never heard of. No million-dollar budgets or factory productions. This is the space for the little guy with not but a developer toolkit and a dream. So if you’re down to roll the dice on something different, then stick around and check it out!
Welcome back to your Daily Dose of delicious Indie Horror. On the slab today is a hauntingly visceral journey of wildest wishes & desperation, Dear Substance of Kin created by pixel-punks Deconstructeam, creators of various cyber-tinged pixelated point & clicks about what it means to become and unbecome human.

With a cauldron slung across your back at the weight of the world’s sins, and pipe smoking through gentle candelabra flames, you search for wishes to sup. In Dear Substance of Kin you play as the Coppersmith, a summoned deity that floods a grim-torn landscape with steps like grinding marrow. You’re a wish-granter. But all wildest wishes have their price. Earnestly offered sinew and flesh is a fair trade for one’s dreams. You must trek from suffering-sodden shack to shack, searching for the scent of blood-stained cloth; a calling ritual for your trade.

“What is your plea?” and answer honestly, for your guts stink of selfish truths. Like a vampire, you must be invited in, but the stench of sanguinary death is invitation plenty. Now you must question, and sap the twice-buried, but sincere desires of those who have summoned the Coppersmith. You do not starve. You’re a thief with imagination. You do not wish for a healthy son. You truly want to uphold an un-bruised pride. But you were summoned, and they understand the price. With occult hemo-alchemy in tow, you grant them a last wish of sacrifice. The cauldron bursts with tonsil-coloured light, as the individual’s back is bare for all to see. Energy lines await tracings of blood, their sins literally painted upon their back for friends and kin to see. Play an apocalyptic god of dripping carrion, and choose their sins to expose. The ritual must be complete! After all, you have gods to appease, too.

You’ve collected your sacrifices and sacrificed your efforts to gods higher than you. Even a flesh-collector must sleep. If you’d like to act out this tale of divine viscera, play Dear Substance of Kin by clicking here. You can also read more articles on DreadXP right here.
Categorized:Ultra-Indie Spotlight