Ultra-Indie Daily Dose: Overtime

Hello, you glorious gluttons for all things indie horror! Are you just starving for the newest of the new, the most unknownest of the unknown? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to the Ultra-Indie Daily Dose! In this series, we’re going to pick a new game every day from an indie horror creator you’ve probably never heard of. No million-dollar budgets or factory productions. This is the space for the little guy with not but a developer toolkit and a dream. So if you’re down to roll the dice on something different, then stick around and check it out!
Welcome back for today’s Daily Dose of indie horror games! We’re looking at a pretty fantastic piece by developer Turnip Liker. Overtime is the demo for their office-based horror game. While this seems to be the first game in their repertoire, with this title they’re already off to a great start.

Overtime takes place in the magical world of office culture. You play as a spreadsheet jockey who has been called into the boss’s office for a friendly meeting. You have fifteen minutes to run downstairs and meet them to discuss something that’s probably not worth worrying about. Seems simple enough.

Obviously, it’s not. You arrive in the office and there’s nobody on the entire floor. After that, things start to get strange. I won’t spoil what happens in Overtime since the demo is only about ten minutes long, but rest assured, it’s worth the playthrough. Hopefully, the final product will be as great as this build.

You can play Overtime for free on itch.io by clicking here.
Categorized:Ultra-Indie Spotlight