First Look: “Jenifer” Box Art

Though I’m still not sure why Anchor Bay decided to ditch the director-centered artwork for their series “Masters of Horror” halfway through the first DVD run, I guess there’s no use complaining now, is there?

Continuing the new trend started with the next release, Joe Dante’s “Homecoming,” we managed to get the first clear shot of the box art for Dario Argento’s “Jenifer,” which will be hitting shelves on August 18th all by its lonesome, however, it was initially slated to come out with John McNaughton’s “Haeckel’s Tale.”

The unrated film, which runs for 58 minutes, was the fourth episode of Masters of Horror season one, written in part by Mick Garris, Steven Weber, and Bruce Jones. The story was adapted from a 10-page comic originally published inside issue #63 of “Creepy” in 1974, which was written by Bruce Jones and illustrated by the great Bernie Wrightson.

“Masters of Horror: Jenifer” Special Features:
Commentary by writer/actor Steven Weber and DVD producer Perry Martin
So Hideous My Love – An Interview with Dario Argento
Working With a Master: Dario Argento featurette
Behind The Scenes: The Making of Jenifer
Howard Berger and The Make-Up of Jenifer
Interview with Steven Weber
Interview with Carrie Anne Fleming
Still gallery
Dario Argento bio
Screenplay (DVD-ROM)
Screen saver (DVD-ROM)
Collectible trading card

Check out the art below, and click here to pre-order “Jenifer” through Evilshop!

Masters of Horror Jenifer

Johnny Butane


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